About IBLI / Africa / Climate Change / DRYLANDSCRP / East Africa / IBLI / ILRI / Insurance / Kenya / Livestock / SLS

Case study on the first insurance for Africa’s camels, cows, sheep and goats

‘On a hot morning in Nairobi in 2014, Andrew Mude, Team Leader for the Index-Based Livestock Insurance program (IBLI hereafter), looked out of his office window at cows grazing on Ngong Hills’ green pastures, but his mind was elsewhere.

‘In a few hours, he had to attend an executive management meeting where he was expected to recommend IBLI’s next 
steps. But Mude was still undecided: should he recommend that the IBLI team focus exclusively on its current sites in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, and work to develop IBLI into a large-scale, proven and sustainable program in
these regions? Or should he go along with demands to expand quickly to multiple sites worldwide? It was necessary
 for IBLI to grow, but Mude was not yet sure of the direction and trajectory of its growth….

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